[Korean Cosmetic Review] LAVITEM Rice Brightening Pad 70ea 150ml
[Korean Cosmetic Review]
פד להבהרת אורז LAVITEM 70ea 150ml
פד להבהרת אורז LAVITEM 70ea 150ml
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During this time of summer (Korean standard), many people's skin is damaged and dead skin cells appear to be not clean no matter what you put on, right?
I would like to recommend a pad that has a brightening effect while exfoliating just right for you.
פד להבהרת אורז LAVITEM 70ea 150ml
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It's made up of 70 pcs and the pads are very moist and have a lot of essence. It's so moist that it never gets dry.
The front is made of embossed cotton, which removes waste matter. If you have thin and sensitive skin, I recommend you to use it every two to three days. If you have normal skin, you can use it every day.
The other side is made of soft side, and you can use it by tapping on the skin so that the essence can permeate the skin well.
פד להבהרת אורז LAVITEM 70ea 150ml
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As you use the Lavitem Rice Brightening Pad, you will be able to feel that your skin has become clearify rather than lightening. It brightens your skin tone and makes your skin very soft and moisturized at the same time.
פד להבהרת אורז LAVITEM 70ea 150ml
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